Thursday, October 17, 2013

                                                      Human Stupidity                                                               
Humans have proven themselves to be very intelligent beings. We started out as cavemen back in the stone age and now, thanks to human intelligence, we enjoy technologies such as driving cars and using smart phones. Throughout the process in which we created our modern society, humans have been pretty stupid about the environment. Deforestation, water pollution, fracking, and global warming are just a few examples of the many forms of human ecological stupidity. Our class had discussions on subjects similar to these. Throughout the discussions I found the issue of ozone depletion to be really interesting. In ozone depletion, ozone depleting substances or ODS are found in the lower atmosphere and they naturally move to the upper atmosphere. As they move up they pull one oxygen from the ozone (o3) and create 02 (dioxide) when this happens the ozone is depleted. Ozone depletion has many harmful effects. Ozone depletion creates an increase in ultraviolet light which is harmful to humans, plants, and animals. Many materials such as wood, plastic, rubber, and fabrics are degraded by the increase in ultraviolet levels. Earth's increase to ultraviolet exposure has also led to the damage of marine life which threatens some species, reducing biodiversity in our oceans and lakes. There are many things we can do to prevent ozone depletion: make sure air conditioners are not leaking, do not use portable fire extinguishers that have halons; and do not refill your refrigerators, freezers, or air conditioners.


References: Class prezi, imaginepeacepro (youtube), The Ozone Hole tour.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homecoming is by far my favorite time of year. Among our mock rock dance, float building, and many other competitions homecoming is a great week at Sparta High School. Every year there is a theme to go along with homecoming. This year the theme was decades. The seniors had the 80s the juniors had the 20s the sophomores had the 70s and the freshmen had the 90s. This year i'm a junior and this homecoming was by far my favorite. we killed it in Mock Rock which is my favorite part of homecoming. In  mock rock each grade makes a dance to go along with their theme, since the junior theme was 20s the girls wore flapper dresses, the guys wore sweater vests and we choreographed a cool dance that went with the 20s. The day of the homecoming game all the grades get out of class to compete with eachother for the red apple by playing fun games for points. The mock rock dance, float, food drive, and penny a point also count for points towards the red apple. The homecoming football game is always a fun time, our student section is awesome. To end homecoming we have the dance which is super fun. I love to get dressed up and go out to dinner with all of my friends and then we get to have a blast at the dance.